is a network of networks in which various computers connect each other through
out the world. The connection to other computers is possible with the help of
ISP (Internet Service Provider). Each Internet users depend dialup connections
to connect to Internet. This has many disadvantages like very poor speed, may
time cut downs etc. To solve the problem, Internet data can be transferred through
Cable networks wired to the user computer. Different type connections used are
PSTN connection, ISDN connection and Internet via Cable networks. Various advantages
are High availability, High bandwidth to low cost, high speed data access, always
on connectivity etc.The huge growth in the number of Internet users every year
has resulted in the traffic congestion on the net, resulting in slower and expensive
Internet access. As cable TV has a strong reach to homes, it is the best medium
for providing the Internet to house - holds with faster access at feasible rates.We
are witnessing an unprecedented demand from residential and business customers,
especially in the last few years, for access to the Internet, corporate intranets
and various online information services.
The Internet revolution is sweeping the
country with a burgeoning number of the Internet users. As more and more people
are being attracted towards the Internet, traffic congestion on the Net is continuously
increasing due to limited bandwidths resulting in slower and expensive Internet
access.The number of household
getting on the Internet has increased exponentially in the recent past. First
time internet users are amazed at the internet's richness of content and personalization,
never before offered by any other medium. But this initial awe last only till
they experienced the slow speed of internet content deliver. Hence the popular
reference "World Wide Wait"(not world wide web). There is a pent-up
demand for the high-speed (or broad band) internet access for fast web browsing
and more effective telecommuting.India
has a cable penetration of 80 million homes, offering a vast network for leveraging
the internet access. Cable TV has a strong reach to the homes and therefore offering
the Internet through cable could be a scope for furthering the growth of internet
usage in the homes.