the purposes of the present document, the following terms and definitions apply:
token:- right to use a slot for transmitting data on a physical interface for
a certain number of bypass hops
Address, DTM address:- 64 bit numerical value
that uniquely identifies a node in a DTM network
Allocation domain:- same as
a bypass chain where, if the topology is point-to-point or bus, the last node
is not counted as member of the AD.
Chain (BC):- series of concatenated physical links, where data can be transported
end-to-end using bypass switching.
switching:- space switching of slots from a receiver to a transmitter on the same
physical interface on a per slot basis.The DTM Resource Management Protocol (DRMP)
handles control of transmission resources over bypass chains.
Management handles the right to use a time slot for transmission and the right
to administer usage rights. The latter function is referred to as slot ownership.
A physical interface owns a set of time slots on the bypass chain. The owner of
a time slot has the right to use it for transmission, but can also lend the right
to another physical interface if it is in greater need. Ownership can either be
statically configured on a bypass chain, or dynamic. In the latter case, the Dynamic
Ownership part of DRMP, distributes ownership along the physical interfaces on
the bypass chain according to a configured policy.